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The Third 8 / Documentary (In Development and Production)

Tax Deductible

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"I am convinced that if the world took a piece of that discretionary 8 hours and their talents... We could change the world one to one"

Phil Smart Senior































The Third 8  documentary is not only about Phil Smart Senior’s philanthropic work with sick and dying children, but his bigger message and quest to encourage the world to give back. The ripple effect and inspiration one man can make in the world is powerfully demonstrated.  

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Development / Production Overview



Producer / Director Rey Sabado completed several audio and film interviews  with Phil Smart Senior. A concept teaser was completed to generate initial interest. 


In the 4th quarter 2 days of production were completed.  We interviewed individuals who were directly influenced by Phil Smart Senior.  Senior’s life long “Third 8” was directed at helping sick and dying children at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Colleagues, friends and ex-patients were among the interviewed. 


This process uncovered many threads and ripples beyond Senior’s direct influence. The realization that this story is much bigger than Phil Smart Senior direct influence was very exciting. Showcasing other individuals and  organizations is very exciting.  The ripples extended as far as China!




The 1st quarter of the year we had to honor to document the  last interview with Phil Smart. Senior words were direct and clear to me regarding this documentary “Get it done”. Our last day of production we captured some footage of Senior’s memorial service March 2nd. 


A second teaser was created to communicate Phil Smart Senior wish to promote his Third 8 philosophy beyond his life.


2014  / 2015


A slow start to the year but we are still pushing! Lack of funds has ceased production. Private meetings are taking place.


Production Schedule Moving forward


To finish this documentary we want to capture a day and a life of one of Phil Smart Senior’s patients. This will give insight how Senior has helped a patients life and in turn continue on their own “Third 8” giving. Secondly, capturing the reach and influence of The Third 8 with individuals or organizations who were influenced by Senior’s philosophy.  We want to tell their story and  the way they are giving back to the world. The documentary's message: We can all have a global impact on the world if you donate a piece of our discretionary 8 hours of a day. 


Development and Planning - Research and qualifying the influence of Phil Smart Senior’s ripples. Pre-Production planning will be required. $40,000 to ramp up the documentary and cover outstanding cost that have been incurred. Estimate 30 - 60 days to complete. (Dates TBD)


Production - 12 shoot days estimated  $160,000 Estimated at 3-4 months (Dates and Topics TBD)


Post Production - $120,000  Estimated 6 months (Dates TBD)


Marketing - $80,000 Scheduled during film market and film festival submissions (Dates TBD)



Tax Deductible

Director's Note

I met Phil Smart Senior in 2012. Anyone who knows Senior would say, he has away about him.   He asked me to use my film talent and help him inspire people to give back. The look in his eyes, the conviction, how could I refuse. I promised him I would swing for the fences and do my best. It is now mid 2014 and I am still pushing and hoping to connect with anyone who can help me move this documentary down the road. Together  your tax deductible donation or in kind help  will make Phil Smart Senior's  wish to communicate The Third 8 philosophy to the world! 


Thank you

Rey Sabado

Producer / Director 




If you have ideas, or in kind resources for this great film, I would love to hear from you. 

Tax Deductible

Producer / Director Rey Sabado

and Phil Smart senior

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The Third 8 non profit organization was formed in 2012 -2013. The goal of the organization will be to continue creating films that inspire giving back and promoting The Third 8 philosophy. 


If you are interested in being a part of this organization connect with them here. 

The Crew

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Many filmmakers have stepped up and been a part of this important work. I am very apprciative for all their input, contribution and support.


Here are a few of the filmmakers who have been involved and have guided  this project. 


Rey Sabado

Producer / Director


Jess Grant

Producer / 1st AD


Randy LaFollette



Lenville O'Donnell



Chris Taylor



Rey Serna



Androu Morgan 

Audio Sound / Editor


Dina Guttmann

Senior Editor


Paul Benson

Sound Design


Eric Rosen

Post Production

© 2016 Sabado Productions

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